Keep the Physical Youth!

I know this post is not directly related to anesthesia, but it is important to us because we want to take care of ourselves first. What I want to advocate here is caloric restriction diet. The reason is that calorie restriction without malnutrition increases not only longevity but also delays the onset of age-associated disorders in multiple species. Don’t we…

CSE Practice Points/Tips

A couple of weeks ago I was on OB, I was called to assess the discomfort patient experienced in her perineal area. Patient was in early stage of labor, 4cm dilated and had epidural in place. Patient had a good bilateral sensory block, suggesting that the epidural was working well. As we know, labor epidural…

What Does the Airway Assessment Really Tell You?

Every time you see a patient in preop, you do your routine airway assessments to predict whether patient has an easy or difficult airway. Have you ever asked yourself  what the assessments really tell you and why some patients would have difficult airways based on your Mallampati score, neck circumference mouth opening or the protruding teeth? It…

Tips with Glidescope

Some of the students asked me the tips with the glidescope for the anterior airway when I was in clinical the other day. I remember I had struggled with the glidescope for the anterior airway when I first started using it. I had to do some research online to figure out how to get the…